How to give your bearings a second life

Bearing damages are common in the tough operating conditions in the metals industry. But the damages usually only affect the surface of bearing components. If you detect a damage early enough it can be carefully removed, returning surfaces to as-new condition, giving the bearing a second, and sometimes a third or fourth, life.

Lower cost, faster delivery, less emissions than new bearings

Save up to 50% of bearing costs

When bearings are remanufactured, most of the parts are reused. Less new material of course means lower cost. Apart from that, the remanufacturing process is also less energy-intensive and requires fewer process steps than producing new bearings.

One customer in the cement industry made over 120 000 EUR in savings by remanufacturing their large-size bearings* two times.

* 4-row CRB, weight 1.85 tonnes, outer diameter 1m

Cut bearing delivery time significantly

Remanufacturing is often the quickest way to replace a bearing due to a breakdown, especially when it comes to bearings that are not in stock. The remanufacturing process is faster and ensures the same quality as the manufacturing process for new products.

In reality, it means that delivery times can be decreased from months/weeks to weeks/days.


Reduce CO₂ emissions by up to 90%*

Remanufacturing means significant savings for the environment. Depending on the amount of remanufacturing required, a remanufactured bearing reduces the carbon footprint by up to 90% compared to a new one. Remanufacturing also consumes up to 90% less energy.

* Indicative avoided CO₂ emissions are estimates based on the avoided energy use in SKF’s and SKF’s suppliers production phases. The calculations are based on SKF Group global average data for 2021. Contact us if you require a more detailed calculation for your products.

The value of bearing remanufacturing

Learn how remanufacturing is supporting the transition to a circular economy, see real-world examples of how and why digitalization is so important, and discover how much CO2 emission can be avoided by remanufacturing bearings.

This is how it's done



1. Cleaning
2. Inspection
3. Documentation
4. Remanufacturing recommendation


1. Remanufacturing of all components
2. Quality checks
3. Assembly
4. Preservation
5. Packing and shipping

Learn more about the benefits

Remanufacturing gives your bearings a second life, and does it at a lower cost, using fewer resources, and with a shorter delivery time than new bearings.

What remanufacturing can do

Hear about some of the learnings SKF has made during two decades of remanufacturing in this 20-minute webinar from SKF.


Case: A steel company on the hunt to reduce every source of CO2 emissions

A steel company on the hunt to reduce every source of CO2 emissions

Case: A steel company on the hunt to reduce every source of CO2 emissions

Saving time and money by using SKF Remanufacturing        

Case: SKF Helps steelmaker

SKF helps steelmaker cut costs and carbon emissions with bearing remanufacturing

Brochure of Remanufactured by SKF

8-page brochure with in-depth remanufacturing information     

Get the most out of remanufacturing with condition monitoring

With SKF condition monitoring you can track the status of your plant machinery, letting you know the perfect timing for bearing removal and remanufacturing. 

Damages on bearing detected at earlier stage increase remanufacturing possibility and reduce related cost.